Launch steps into Telematics!
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Launch steps into Telematics!

    Jun 5, 2013. Launch Tech Co., Ltd, the pioneer in the automotive aftermarket, reveals its latest innovative products, Remote Control Unit series (RCUs) which focus on the vehicle data application in usage based insurance (UBI), fleet management, rental car management, and vehicle lifestyle at Telematics Detroit 2013, in Suburban Collection Showplace Novi, MI.
    More than 100 senior level officers from the most innovative teams and the largest corporations in telematics industry including Google, Facebook, Microsoft, AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, presented their products, shared their thoughts and visions. Meanwhile, this is the first time for Launch to claim its telematic capabilities in front of the global customers. After the passionate presentation done Launch team, the representatives from GM, Ford, Kony, IMS etc. stopped at our booth, looking for potential opportunities to expand their business with Launch in UBI and other fields. Jerry, sales director with Kony Solutions, Inc., threw out tons of questions regarding the performance, antenna design, and hardware specs of RCUs after he was impressed by Oliver's speech, and expressed his interest in advanced development based on Launch RCUs.
    "We are excited to be attending such a wonderful event in Detroit, MI" Oliver concluded. "After so much success in the heart of Detroit, Launch is ready for the revolution."