Brazil Exhibition (Apr. 15th -19th ,2013)
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Brazil Exhibition (Apr. 15th -19th ,2013)

Brazil Exhibition (Apr. 15th -19th ,2013)

Brazil Exhibition (Apr. 15th -19th ,2013)

    After 20 years in the global market, LAUNCH the first time, presents on a biggest exposition in Latin America AUTOMEC 2013. There are more than 3.000 visitors with contacts visited LAUNCH stand. Gustavo Cintra together with Richard Gao and Yinh Johann gave some interviews in known ways of communication likes "O MECANICO" (One of bigger journal of Brazil).
    The latest product AUTODIAG (iDiag) and traditional LAUNCH products: scanners, DIY scanners, aligner, lift, injector cleaner, auto-transmission fluid changer were exhibited.
    LAUNCH equipments is getting larger occupation in all world, in Brazil not only Launch diagnoses equipments but also Lift products were dominated all market in last years. This exhibition brings us more customers and business opportunity; we are looking forward the more success in 2013.