2015 Kenya Automotive & Parts Exhibition
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2015 Kenya Automotive & Parts Exhibition

2015 Kenya Automotive & Parts Exhibition

2015 Kenya Automotive & Parts Exhibition

2015 Kenya Automotive & Parts Exhibition

The rapid industrialisation and modernisation currently sweeping through many African countries has resulted in an increased demand for capital goods such as machinery, lubricants, spare parts, ball bearings and other automotive mechanical goods and accessories. The market for automobile spare parts, in particular, has been an attractive sector for global exporters.

KENYAa major country in East Africa. In recent years the demand for new vehicles increased a lot in this country. In the next five years, growth in theKENYAautomotive market cannot be ignored. On April 27-29, with the invitation of local dealers, LAUNCH MENA Jack attended this year?? Auto Expo. We demonstrated not only lifts, wheel alignments & other traditional products, but also new innovative products like PRO, PRO3, golo CarCare.

Customers highly valued our PRO3: not only hardware functions have been greatly improved, but also the whole feel and design are more professional.